A vida para ser vivida e apreciada

Eu gosto da vida como ela e simples para ser vivida.
So faco poesia por quero que me escutem.
Só pinto as cores da natureza que me inspiram.
Preciso de inspiracao a cada minuto da vida para:
viver melhor,
amar indiscriminadamente,
sorrir sem medo,
desfrutando cada momento como se fosse eterno.
.......I love simple life just as it is....


Celebrando 5 de Maio:The Aztec Civilization
Ensinar arte plastica na escola public as vezes e divertido !
Pink Paper Cup Paper
Pink  Dog

Na verdade toda os professores que ensinam arte sempre reclamam das exigencias de se colocar nas apredes das escolas os trabalhos realizados pelas criancas.  Todo mes estes  tem que ser trocados por outros mais recentes. Nao se criando muito tempo habil para que os trabalhos de arte sejam observados e admirados por todos.

Teaching art in a public school in New York can be very demanding, but it is worth to try
jut for the sake of creating art with kids who deserve a breaking point in their very busy daily school schedule. Art teachers are much appreciated and popular among the children. 
The art and music teachers bring leisure time and fun activities. I really enjoy teaching at the elementary level because at that age students are still naives and they want to create art. 

For instance, I found myself creating and adapting different lessons every year. As the year passes the task  seemed to be easy. However, the preparations for lessons can be quite length and time consuming. As I go along with my lessons I feel the time pressing and the urge to speed up in class. But, there is no value in art class to rush into the lesson without given the children enough time to connect to the lesson.

Our students must make connections in order to learn whenever it is a paint, drawing, sketching or just introduction to a new artist students needs time to infer

This year 2012 has been a blessed year for me. I feel more confident about my ability to manage classes. Behavior problems can be tricky and challenges for most art teachers.
It sometimes could be ruining your school day. I'm learning how to deflect bad tempered students and control my emotion levels in class. Being neutral, polite or sometimes melodramatic can salve you from daily classroom aggravations with disruptive students. Knowing your students' name is a plus as well as teachers who tend to reason with their students are more respected.  When I teach I must follow a very define routine therefore students can track back what I expect them to do in class. Raising voice in class is rude it is better for teachers to use a nice and gentle tone. Students will respect and will pay more attention to you. 
Teaching nowadays can be very challenge! I just like doing my job as the best I could. 
Love & Peace!
working together
sharing materials
displaying artwork

QUEM SE BENEFICIA COM A EDUCAO PUBLICAA metodologia de ensino neste pais e um pouco irracional tudo e ensinado genericamente, sem grande profundidade. O que predomina e a quantidade de informacao ao inves da qualidade. Na escola primaria se enfatiza muito o falar inves da escrita embora agora eles comecaram a perceber que e necessario a escrita e leitura para que a crianca entenda o mundo.

Com os cortes de verbas na educacao arte, musica, danca e educacao fisica se tornaram materias desnecessarias. Os testes estao sendo priorizados cada vez mais e os professores se tornaram bonecos comandados pelos educratas.

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